Siti Hannah Sekarwati


Dakwah includes to a discourse analysis study because dakwah is one of a verbal communication activity. Nowadays, the developing era with developed technology of handphone eases each moslem to do dakwah, one of the way is through Instagram social media application. Initially, Instagram social media is established by Systrom to share people's lives to their friends through a series of pictures. The picture is taken from handphone, then choose the filter to change the picture into memory in order to be remembered for forever. More over, Instagram is also possible make people experience other people's moments through a picture which is uploaded. The picture can be served in a form of picture or video. However, as technology is developed, this social media is used by some people as a media to deliver islamic dakwah. For example, Ustadz Yusuf Mansur, Ustadzah Okky Setiana Dewi, Salim A Fillah and Ria Yunita. In this paper, the writer is focus on Ria Yunita Instagram account, @riaricis1795. Ria Yunita which is known as Ria Ricis is a little sister of a famous Ustadzah Okky Setiana Dewi. Her creativity to upload a picture, video and meme which entertained makes her reach up to 4,5 million followers. This can be seen through her Instagram account @riaricis1795 which is accessed by the writer in 25 May 2016. Different from her sister's account @okkysetianadewi which only reach up to 2,9 million follower. Ricis Usually implicates dakwah values when she uploaded pictures, videos, or memes through her account. Having seen the uniqueness, the writer is interested to scrutinise how Ricis do the suprastructure and macrostructure of the dakwah discourse which is used through her account. Data corpus in this research are videos which has dakwah values like a citation of a Quran verse or habits in caption. For the importance of this research, the writer use Van Dijk theory about supra structure and macrostructure (1980, 1988) and Cook (1996). The findings of this research conclude that the suprastructure of a social media dakwah discourse in Instagram has a special schematic construction. The relation between the video and the caption makes dakwah in media social is more interesting to be watched by the follower of Ricis account @riaricis1795.


Keywords: Ricis, Instagram, Discourse, Suprastructure, Macrostructure

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