Sigit Haryanto, Djatmika Djatmika, Wakit Abdullah, Dwi Purnanto


Javanese society, especially who lives in Kartasura, Sukoharjo, has many cultures. One of them that still exist up to now is the ujung culture.  This culture is usually connected to the speech event of mutual forgiving after lebaran day. People visit to their parent, family, and neighbor. In the visiting, young men ask forgiveness to the old men, and then the old men forgive them and add some wise clauses to them.  When taking and giving the forgiveness, they use speech level krama (high) and ngoko (low).  The interesting points to be studied more from this are how the patterns of language use and what meanings are existing in this event. This qualitative research uses observation and interview for collecting the data. Then, the collected data were analyzed by componential analysis promoted by Spreadly. The results on the study indicate that there are three patterns of language use in ujung culture. Those are 1. Kramangoko, 2. Kramakrama, 3. Ngokongoko. The meanings found inside ujung culture are 1. forgiving, 2. praying, 3.suggesting, 4.greeting, asking, and commending.


Keywords: pattern and meaning, ujung culture, lebaran day, speech level          


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