Sawitri Sawitri, Bani Sudardi, Wakit Abdullah, I Nyoman Chaye


The meaning of movement is meaning in connotative and denotative senses or actual and analogical meanings. The interpretation of meaning is made using code and sub code. Connotative meaning can be defined as sub code and denotative one as code. Meaning is a concept contained in the signs revealed by signifier. The dance work studied for its movement by message sender is the meaning to be captured in a work. Sign can be interpreted by considering interpretation as representative as long as the reference to the object is the same so that the sign can be called other sign and so forth so that sign encounters an everlasting semiotic process. A sign represents something of a generated or changed idea, what it represents is called object or what it delivers, meaning: an idea generated from its interpreter. The meaning of movement in bedhaya kalinyamat included the following levels: Hastha Sawanda: Pacak: diarani cak-caan, Pancad: singged, Ulat: polatan, Lulut mbanyu mili, Luwes besus/solah, Wilet: sekaran, Irama: rasa gendhing, Gendhing iringan tari. Wiraga regularity: dancer’s body movement: finger, wrist, shoulder, elbow, neck, knee, etc, Wirama: harmonious movement pattern, Wirasa: comprehension level in dancing (pleasant, sad, happy, firm, tender). The meaning of bedhaya kalinyamat dance movement: represents sorrow, revenge, disappointment, war, submission to fate, spirit composure with the movement of manembah marang Gusti. The meaning of life included in dance movement with the message delivery in the work made the interpretation could be capture by art devotee.


Keywords: Dance, Movement meaning, work, bedhaya Kalinyamat, message expression.

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