Rosida Tiurma Manurung


Creative and innovative therapy of media can increase children's interest in learning the language acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to reveal an increase in language skills in children with hi-tech therapy. This paper uses the method of instructional media development and action research (action research). Media were developed with media programming by displaying various forms of impressions in the hi-tech tools both visually and audiovisually. This stimulus of media is applied to sensorimotor as a neurological processes by manipulating, facilitating,and adapting the environment in order to achieve improvement, repair, and maintenance competence language in children. The result of this research showed that the increasing the proficiency index is registered with hi - tech media therapy and able boost both value and creative character in children, especially the age of 5 years. It was seen in the change of any action by the author based on the content and speech acts as well as the measurement index of child language skill, especially in terms of syntactic and pragmatic development. In addition, the development of media for language acquisition will foster motivation, creativity, and positive character traits in children. Thus, development of media treatment of language acquisition can be used as a model for the improvement of language skills in normal children.


Keywords: language acquisitionin children, the development ofsyntactic, pragmaticdevelopment,  hi-tech media stimulus


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