Puji Rahayu



Abstract: Banyumas’ people are community that live in ex-place of Banyumas recidency and they communicate using ngapak dialect. Dialect used by Banyumas people present the description of the nature, speaking style, and their characteristic. Language and culture have a subordinative relatinship that is under the scope of culture, so that the language includes in all aspects of culture. The aims of this research are describing textually lageyan (speaking style) and Banyumas’ people characteristic that describe in the collection cekak Iwak Gendruwo by Agus Pribadi etc. The research’s objects are lageyan (speaking style) and Banyumas’ people characteristic in the collection. The methods used is qualitative descriptive. Then, the main data is the the collection of book cekak Iwak Gendruwo by Agus Pribadi etc. Data of this reseach are text quotes which describe lageyan (speaking style) and Banyumas’ people characteristic that describe in the collection cekak Iwak Gendruwo by Agus Pribadi etc. Beside that, techniqe of collecting data are reduction, data display, and verification. This research investigated by using Etnolinguistics perspective.   

            The results of this research are lageyan (speaking style) of Banyumas’ people characteristic that describe in the collection cekak Iwak Gendruwo by Agus Pribadi etc, as follows: (1) Cablaka is bluntly speaking, plain, and tanpa tedheng aling-aling, (2) Mbanyol is inserting a joke while speaking, and (3) Semblothongan is speaking fast and loose, never see who’s speaking to and the condition. Those three points make a characteristic of Banyumas’ people thus they have a specific characteristicistic. Banyumas’ people characteristicistics in the collection cekak Iwak Gendruwo by Agus Pribadi etc, as follows: (1) Banyumas people are egalitarian because of the dialect used that does not put the social strata, and (2) Banyumas’ people are patient and kind becaue of their plain speaking style.

Keywords: lageyan, characteristic, Banyumas’ people, etnolinguistics


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