Mulyani Mulyani


In the 2013 curriculum in class activities include 5 M, i.e., Observe, ask, explore, associate, and Communicate. 5 M to approach the teachers are required to have adequate communication competence. The communication competence include the teacher must apply the principle of politeness (directive) for teaching materials can be accepted by the students better and meaningful.

Politeness directive high school teachers can be realized in the form and functions vary when teachers manage learning and interacting with students. The learning activities that teachers through the design of RPP (Lesson Plan) are a form of communication that is structured and systematic. Therefore, the form and function of politeness directive interesting to study through the study of pragmatics.

This study aimed to describe the realization of the form and function of politeness directive high school teachers in English language learning activities in the classroom in relation to the implementation of the scientific approach to the curriculum 2013.

Results from this study indicate that teachers to choose the form of politeness directive with the principle / theory of politeness Brown and Levinson are summarized into five strategies. Fifth Brown and Levinson's politeness strategies are (1) bald on record, (2) positive politeness, (3) negative politeness, (4) off the record, and (5) do not do the FTA.

This study is expected to provide benefits for teachers and researchers in the field of pragmatics and education in order to understand and apply the directive in the context of politeness in the classroom.


Keywords: politeness directive teacher; classroom activities

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