Muhammad Yunus Anis, Arifuddin Arifuddin, Eva Farhah, Abdul Malik


The strength of the relationship between two sets of sentence in the Arabic text is introduced or reintroduced by looking the correlative conjunction between the sentences. The sentence is the largest unit of grammatical organization within which parts of speech (such as: nouns, verbs, adverbs) and grammatical classes (for example: word, phrase, clause). In Arabic language, a sentence normally contains two basic main ellement, such as (mubtada’ + khabar)/ (S + V + O) in jumlah ismiyyah and (f’il + fa’il)/ (V+S+O) in jumlah fi’liyyah. This is the main sentence pattern in Arabic language, a structure which is considered a basic grammatical pattern for Arabic sentences, which can be used as a model for producing other sentences in the language. This article will elaborate the correlation between grammatical and meaning in the arabic sentences in the Islamic moral ethic book, such as: Bidayatul-Hidayah and al-Qira’ah ar-Rasyidah. There are two kinds of sentences in Arabic language, basic sentences and more complex sentences. The data of this research was taken from the book of Islamic moral ethic which had been translated into Arabic – Javanese language. The method used in this research was divided into three main steps, (1) collecting data, (2) analysis and elaborating the main data, and (3) reporting the result of the research. In the first step, collecting data will be used the observation of the dominant pattern of the sentences in Arabic language, and the second steps, analyzing data was using the distributional method followed by the substitution technique. Then, the reporting of the result had been used the formal and the informal method. This reseacrh had concluded that there are many patterns in Arabic sentences which can be constructed by the certain conjunction. Finally, the corelation between grammatical and meaning in the Arabic sentences can be divided into two main parts, they are: “to be equal” and “unequal”.


Keywords: grammatical, meaning, basic sentence, and complex sentence, Arabic language.


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