Novel becomes one of the reading materials with a good value and benefits to the readers. Novel can influence readers’ behavior as described by the authors. According to this statement, novel also contains a variety of implicit intent to be conveyed to the readers in Indonesia and even the whole world. This study aims at describing and explaining: (1) a variety of speech acts used in Indonesian novels, (2) the behavior values of the main character that can affect novel readers in Indonesia, (3) the function of novel in Indonesian in psycho-pragmatics perspective. This study uses Indonesian novels as source of data. Data were collected by using the noted techniques with purposive sampling technique. Then, the data were analyzed by using the interactive analysis with psycho-pragmatics approach. This study used deductive techniques to conclude the result. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that Indonesian novels: 1) provide speech acts of locutions, illocution, and perlocution, (2) give educative values in psychological life, social, cultural, religious, and political, and 3) have functions to (a) educate, (b) criticize, (c) promote, (d) affect, and (e) spread positive impact to the readers. Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that the Indonesian novels can be the media to change attitudes and behavior of readers and become the media to support the reading habit program for the people of Indonesia.
Keywords: speech acts, psycho-pragmatics, study, novel, values, and Indonesia.
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