M. Zainal Muttaqien



Jerseys, or football uniforms, have been common as daily clothings following the popularity of European football match programs on televisions. As the demand for the products is rising high, the rapid growth sellers is unavoidable. It happens not only in the real world but also at virtual markets. A lot of jersey trade groups have been created on social media, especially Facebook. Uniquely, the members of the groups tend to use a language differently in their communication. Their variety of language is featured with jargon, a variety of terms specifically used in a particular profession. The jargon of jersey trade community in the Internet indicates some differences compared to common traders’ language. This descriptive-qualitative research aims at describing various terms representing the jargon. Here, the researcher, as the main instrument, conducts the whole process of research. Three Facebook groups of jersey trade are involved as the data sources from which the research data are collected by purposive sampling technique. The data are verified using data source triangulation by crosschecking the appearances of the terms in the three different data sources. It is found that the jargon of jersey trade community in the Internet is characterized by the use of abbreviations and particular terms from English and regional/Javanese language inserted into Indonesian as the working language. The members of community often use abbreviated forms, such as VGC, WTS, and kolpri; English words e.g: remake, up, and vendor; as well as Javanese expressions, like  Puh (sepuh) or Gan (juragan). However, it should be noted that not all of the terms are restrictedly used in the jersey trading community because some can also be found used by other communities in the Internet.

Key words: jargon, jersey, the Internet, community, language variety

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