Kenfitria Diah Wijayanti


Saloka in Javanese society is often used as an advice, but the shape of the full proverbs will pasemon. Therefore, it takes a deeper understanding to digest the contents of the sentence. Saloka implies an association, because in using elements of nature equations through comparison subjects or people based on character. One of the subjects used are animals, so the nature of the animal, as compared with human nature. This article discusses about: 1) the shape and structure saloka, 2) the meaning of the association in saloka, 3) study the philosophy of human dispositive in saloka. The method used in this article is a method of sorting techniques and match with decisive element. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) the shape and structure of saloka has a composition that is definite and can not be replaced with other words, 2) the meaning of the association in saloka looked at the comparison subjects were realized with the disposition of the animals compared to human nature, 3) study philosophy of animal characters in saloka reflect the perspective of the human disposition in a variety of perspectives.

Keywords: saloka, proverbs, parables, meaning associations, human dispositive

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