Havid Ardi, Nababan Nababan, Djatmika Djatmika, Riyadi Santosa


Politeness strategies show how people maintain and save other’s face in communication. Indonesian people tend to used negative politeness to show respect to others through language, meanwhile English people tend to use positive politeness. This paper aims at examining the translation of politeness strategies of directive acts used by four characters in Dan Brown’s novel entitled Deception Point and its two Indonesian translation versions. It is a qualitative research. Data were taken by using purposive sampling and analyzed by comparing linguistic markers of politeness strategies used by 2 male politicians and 2 female political advisors in giving directive acts in source text and translation texts. The result shows that: (1) all novels use more positive politeness strategies; (2) there is a tendency that the 2015 translation version used less negative politeness strategies than the old translation version; (3) It reveals that politeness stratagies in giving directive act in the translation and rank of imposition (illocution force) are changed. As a literary work, it could be the reflection of Indonesian language condition today or would influence the reader’s politeness strategies.

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