Hadi Riwayati Utami, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo


The great quantities of tragic and heartbreaking events as a result of the effect of technological advances make us aware. There is something that we ignore, and has almost disappeared from the national identity, that is, the values of local wisdom that have been the guidance and role models in our behavior so far. These noble values used as guiding in thinking and acting really comes from the teachings of our predecessors spreading in various forms of heritage, which one of them is serat.

One of serat, that is, Serat Wulang Reh (SWR) was composed by Pakubowono IV. The good-looking Surakarta Hadiningrat  Sultanate advised his children about gegaran paugeraning agesang ‘way of life’. According Darusuprapto (1985: 9), SWR has advantages, written is simple and clear language, so that it is easily accepted and understood by anyone. However, its content remains valuable. The interesting point advice by PB IV, spoken in the form of Tembang Macapat is a literary work of art created by following certain rules which have been determined (Benanard Arp, 1961: 4; Darusuprapto, 1989: 7).

Semantics and Pragmatics analysis towardS WR is done with the aim to find out the peculiarities of speech, both form and meaning and purpose behind the King's advice. To do this, the analysis is done by using an Eclectic Method, with Content Analysis. As qualitative research with Qualitative Descriptive, to obtain a full picture of Pitutur SWR, the Objective Approach is used.

 The final result of SWR research is analyzed from the view point of this Semantics and Pragmatics and is found forms such as Javanese expressions (paribasan, bebasan, pepindhan).The modus of speech is in informative and imperative form. It is also with the signs of language that characterizes spoken language, that is, the use of words such as aja, poma, pan, nora, and so on. Meanwhile speech acts found in the form of a directive speech act. In this spoken language consisting advice is also found the content such as implicature, politeness, and presuppositions, also with deixis. Meanwhile, the spoken language used is directive spoken language.

The analysis of the SWR also results in findings, that is, the large parts of the valuable advice from PB IV above are still relevant to this present era.


Keywords: serat, tembang, advice, semantics and pragmatics

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