Firman Alamsyah Mansyur


This study examines cultural and  linguisticphenomena inthe traditional expression of  Wolio people called Onina Manga Mancuana Onina Mangenge (OMMM) "the ancestor’s wise words". The results of a literature review showed that OMMM not been documented and studied scientifically well. Therefore, this study is very important because it explains the linguistic characteristic of OMMM shape and cultural values that become way of life of Wolio people. In addition, this study is very important for the preservation of oral traditions associated with an ethnicity that can provide positive benefits for developmentin the field of mental or character.

This study used descriptive qualitative method inanthropological linguistics perspective. Besides that, this study used two research models, namely the library and fieldresearches. Field research was conducted in the city of Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Field data collection was done by using participatory observation, and interviews. The data analysis of this study departs from the analysis of language and culture then by examining the content of the existing culture in the linguistic classes. The data was then analyzed to lead to the discovery of a particular cultural system of meaning through interpretation and inference.

From the analysis, the writer concludes two things related to this study. First, the linguistic characteristics of OMMM are more shaped declarative and imperative sentences. Interrogative sentence is very rare. In general OMMM is concise and simplesentences that contains aesthetically appealing elements both for the speaker or the listener like assonance, alliteration, repetition, paradox, hyperbole, and simile. Second, OMMM contains positive cultural values that never fade because OMMM still used as a way of life Woliopeople until today. The values OMMM not only oriented at the present time but in the future. Those values are related to the Wolio people’s relationship with his god; Woliopeople’s   relationships with fellow human beings, which includes the individual's relationship with the family, the individual's relationship to society, the individual's relationship with a foreigner / guest; and the Woliopeople’s relationship with himself. Ultimately, this study reflects the close relationship and interplay between language, culture, and the mind which is reflected in the use OMMM.


Keywords: linguistic forms, elements of aesthetic, anthropological linguistics, and cultural values.


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