METAFORA BINATANG DALAM PERIBAHASA JAWA (Animal Metaphors in Javanese Proverbs)

Ermi Dyah Kurnia




The animal’s name is one of the elements constructing Javanese proverb. The use of its lexicon as metaphor in this proverb makes understanding of lexeme symbolic value used easier. A study of the animal metaphors use in Javanese proverb needs to be undergone. Results of this study are identification of animal types recognized by Javanese society and reasons or background of the animal types chosen as the Javanese proverb constructing. It has close relationship with cultural background owned by Javanese society. An analysis of human’s culture owned by every ethnics can be done through representment of culture, that is a language. The use of those vocabularies shows the relationship between language and speaker’s worldview. By analyzing a language vocabulary, physical environment, culture, and speaker’s social condition, they dig the language up. By digging the languge up, they also dig its local wisdom. It is thus what it is called as a different system of thought from Javanese culture which is not owned by other cultures. This study is an ethnolinguistics which investigates relationship between language and a culture of a society as an effort of revitalizing local wisdom.


Keywords: javanese proverb, animal metaphor, animal types, javanese culture, local wisdom

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