Eni Karlieni


Politeness is an important aspect in communication. Communication can be established between the speaker and the hearer when maintaining civility. In establishing a harmonious communication with the public, the mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil, utilizing Facebook social media to deliver and receive various messages openly.

The study, entitled " Realisasi Kesantunan Tuturan Imperatif pada Akun Walikota Bandung Ridwan Kamil: Suatu Kajian Pragmatik”. The  aims of this research are  to describe the type and markers politeness speech imperative that used the mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil, describes a form of speech imperative that used the mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil, and describes the functions of interpersonal utterances imperatives that are used by the Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil. The method used is descriptive method that is designed with a qualitative approach through observation techniques and notes techniques, and analyzed by the method frontier pragmatics. The theory used is the theories concerned with politeness is the theory Leech, Yule, Levinson, and Alwi.

The results showed that the type and markers politeness imperative speech, the Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil realize into the kind of direct speech with the imperative marker such come on (let’go),  let, please, hopefully,  implore, happy, do not;  the  imperative politeness form of speech used the mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil that is  meaningful messenger imperative, speech meaningful appeal imperative, speech  meaningful invitation imperative,   speech meaningful prohibitions imperative, speech meaningful supplication, speech meaningfullicensing ; and functions interpersonal imperative utterances used by the Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil meaningful persuasive, intimacy rising,  creating to the speaker,  telling to the speaker, inform to the speaker, and  bringing comfort to the speaker. 

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