Eka Susylowati, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Wakit Abdullah, Sri Marmanto


 Macapat song is bounded by the rules ( guru lagu and guru wilangan ) in Javanese culture has the value of live. This research purposes to find the form of metaphor in the lyric of Macapat song and the meaning of the lyric of Macapat song. This research is qualitative in nature. The data is in the form of written. The data were collected by library reserach and documentation. Padan method used to analysis data. The result of the research shows that there are three kinds the form of metaphor, namely : noun, verb, and adjective and the lyric of Macapat song has the cultural meaning for Javanese people to know that human life in the world impermanent and give the responsibility to the God.


Key words : Metaphor, Lyric, Macapat Song

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Serat Wulang Reh Piwulang Dalem ISKS Pakoe Boewono IV Ing Kraton Surakarta Hadiningrat.


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