Dyah Rohma Wati


The aims of this research are to provide a description about the syntactic aspect that have been acquired by the child at 20-21 month. This is qualitative research with a case study approach so  that any results of this research can not be generalized. The subject of this research is a girl named Fatin Dzakiyyatul ‘Ilma who is also the writers’ own daughter. The data are collected in about three months, from April until June 2016.  The forms of the data are utterances and dialogues of the subject. The technique used to collect the data is documentation, the reseracher takes the data with note taking technique and also records with a camera-phone. All data, then, are verified  and classsified. The findings show that in syntactic aspect the subject has acquired two word stages in 20 month and get three word stages in early 21 months. Some forms of utterances that have been acquired are declarative, interrogative, and  imperative. In adition, at those ages the subject also has acquired pronoun (ini, itu), deixis (disini, disana) , adjective (panjang, besar, enak, cantik), and some words ( juga, sudah). 

Key words: first language acquistion, syntactic aspect, one word  stage, two word stages,  form of utterance

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