Dyah Nugrahani, Nababan Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika


Audience design becomes very important step in process of translation. Mason (1997) says that it is an action which must be done by translators in recognizing the target reader of the translation text. It can be said that different target reader requires different technique of translation. He suggested that before starting their works the translators have to determine their target readers. By having the very first step the translators may decide how the messages will be transferred. As Nida and Taber (1969) explained that the concept of acceptability is determined by the target readers. Novel The Weaverbirds is translation of Burung-Burung Manyar which is written by Y.B Mangunwijaya. It is translated by Thomas M Hunter. It tells bravely and honestly of people’s life who were taken to the war. The romance has been translated into Japanese Arasi no Naka no Manyar (1987), Dutch Het boek van de Wevervogel (1987), and English The Waeverbirds (1989). There are many cultural terms and expressions found in the novel, such as addressing, kinship, cultural/traditional events, traditional buildings, traditional costume, name of food, and some Javanese fix expressions. It is aimed at identifying the cultural terms and expressions, and describing its ideology of translation. Javanese addressing such as den, mbakyu, den ajeng, and Raden Mas are omitted in English version. For example “Raden Mas Sinyo mau spekuk enak? Jeng Manganti, coba tolong ambilkan spekuk dari almari untuk Raden Mas Bagus Sinyo. Aduuh, siapa nanti yang akan menjadi mertuanya ya? Cocoknya dengan Den Ayu Arumbrangta (1981:7). The translation is “Hey, Little Prince Dutch Boy, would you like a piece of cake? Manganti, get a piece of cake from the cupboard for our Little Prince Dutch Boy. Hmm, I do wonder who’ll get to be his mother-in-law (1991:14). It shows that the translation tends to make the target readers have no difficulty to read, in other word the domestication is used rather than foreignization. It is found for all the translation of Javanese cultural terms and expression into English.

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