Dwi Atmawati


Language as a communication system continues to evolve with the development of human knowledge. The media used to communicate is also experiencing growth. Almost all people already know and are familiar with social media such as the Internet. Media can be used to do business, to get information, to play (games), send electronic mail, or to look around the site. Through social media can anyone know the development of language, the main language of young people. Language variation in social media is a form of language use in some communities. In human language has a creative aspects, including the use of social media to express their ideas. Creative aspects appear for a particular purpose. This study reveals how much creativity they appear on social media. It is interesting to study because creativity is relatively diverse, both from the aspect of meaning or purpose of disclosure and shapes. This study used a qualitative approach. Data was collected using purposive sampling technique originating from and comment on the status of writers facebook account. This study examined the use of semantic theory and sociolinguistics. Based on the results of this research note that the status and comments on facebook declare means: prayer, innuendo, complaints or disappointments, promotions, social protest, encouragement, announcements, and jokes, reflections, information and using the abbreviated form in the form of words condense, abbreviate the initial letters of words, suffixes shortening, shortening greetings, abbreviate words, acronyms; Alay language; expression. Writer status and comments using a variety of non-formal and formal. In addition, also pay attention to the rafters unda. The use of language in social media is influenced by factors, among others: social, educational level, age, gender, topics presented, and the goals to be achieved.

Keywords : facebook, language , social media , status , variety.

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References › Teknologi › Internet

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