Dewi Untari


Javanese language is one of local languages used until now. That language is usually used in everyday communication by the Javanese. Javanese language in Krama is used less than Javanese language in Ngoko. The purpose of this study was to determine the shape of preservation of the Javanese language in Krama in the society in Sragen and functions of the use of the Javanese language in Krama in society in Sragen. This study uses a sociolinguistic approach. The theory used is theory speech components of Dell Hymes, the concept of diglossia of Ferguson, and the concept of communication ethnography of Marmanto. The data resource is the form of events or activities that use the Javanese language in Krama. The data in this study is Javanese language in Krama spoken by speakers. In this study uses snow ball sampling technique. The results of the analysis are: 1) the shape preservation of the Javanese language in society in Sragen namely (1) celebration event of independence, (2) recitation monthly, (3) recitation every friday night, (4) youth event, and (5) regular social gathering, 2) the function of the use of the Javanese language is as communication manners in order hearer understand the content of speech. In addition, the Javanese language has a position as the manners of the highest in the Javanese language speech levels, so it was used in activities that are considered high-status (such as teaching activities).


Keywords: Javanese language, language preservation, speech components, diglossia, communication ethnography


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