Aprillia Firmonasari


The media forms a chain of information affecting the dissemination of information in the society. This chain is an evidence that the verbal production levels influence the dissemination of information in the society. It also plays an indirect role in the construction of public opinion and behavior. One of the factors in the construction process is the news source validity. This research discussed the validity of terrorism discourse news sources in French and Indonesian media using the paradigm of the metacommunication, metalinguistics, and metapragmatic. The theory used is Denis Benoit (2005) and Oswald Ducrot’s (1996) discourse of communication. The data were taken from the news of the act of terrorism and shooting in Paris published in the French electronic newspaper “Le Monde” and Indonesian electronic newspapers “Detik News” and “Kompas” on November 13-18, 2015. The supporting data used to discuss the construction of public opinion on the political phenomenon in France were collected from the results of a public questionnaire completed by francophonie, the people who are learning the French language and in possession of cognitive knowledge on all things French, especially the French culture. The result of this research is a discursive framework model containing the relationship between the validity of news sources and the construction of public opinion and behavior.

Keywords: media, news source, validity, public opinion, terrorism

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