Anindia Ayu Rahmawati


Sexist expression is often found in novels with English as the source language. This kind of expression has meaning which represents women and men unequally. The analysis on translation quality assessment to the translated text of sexist expression can give knowledge about the representation of gender in languages of two different cultures. This paper aims to analyse the translation quality of sexist expression found in The 19th Wife novel with discovering the kinds of sexist language and the quality assessment of the translated text covering accuracy and acceptability aspect. The data were words, phrases, clauses as well as the discussion results with the informant related to the sexist expression which were collected from oral and written sources. The result shows two important points. First, the analysis of 192 data found in the novel shows that there are six kinds of sexist language; ‘women’ are different, ‘men’ as standard, negative words for ‘women’, sex-role descriptors, non-human terms, and negative words for ‘men’. Second, the high score in accuracy and acceptability aspect becomes the major result of the translation of sexist expression. 89% of translation of the sexist expression is accurate and 93% of translation of the sexist expression is acceptable. It implies that generally the translation is good.


Keywords: translation quality assessment, sexist expression, kinds of sexist language, the 19th wife

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