Anastasia Inda Nugraheni


The variation of English vocabulary acquisitions and the accuracy of translation made by kindergarten children are the main goal of this research.  Data were collected from the results of the student’s task based on the teacher lessons. In each task, the teachers presents five pictures, there are two correct picture answers. The answer shows the ability of the children to catch the meaning of the vocabulary. The teachers also presents five words and one correct word answer to show the ability of the children to transfer a word meaning. This research is aimed to observe how children in the kindergarten acquire English acquisition process as the second language. In conducting the research, the datum were analyzed based on its acquisition steps related to mother tongue and parthership in study at home. The interpretation leads to describe the english vocabulary acquisition of kindergarten children and the accuracy of their translation. The results show that there are four types of steps of acquisition – correct, overgeneralization, simplification and incorrect. The survey research show that any relation between one factor to the others influence English vocabulary for kindergarten children and accuracy of their translation. Kindergarten children can easier codify concrete noun that is familiar in their lives than other types of noun.

Keywords: vocabulary acquisition, kindergarten, children, accuracy, translation

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