Integrasi Digital-Based PjBL-STEM untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains pada Siswa SMP

Sutanto Sutanto, Mohammad Masykuri, Sukarmin Sukarmin


Education is essentially an activity carried out by students producing changes in themselves. STEM-based learning
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) can train students to apply their knowledge and improve
science process skills in learning using digital technology. Learning model recommended for use in the Merdeka
Curriculum is a student-centred learning model, one of which is the Project Based Learning (PjBL). This study will
analyse the influence of STEM education integrated with a digital-based PjBL model on improving students' science
process skills. This research uses the meta-analysis method. Research data were obtained from national and
international journals. The meta-analysis study is based on indicators of science process skills. Based on secondary
data review, it shows that the integration of PjBL with digital-based STEM can be maximally implemented if the
teacher is directly involved in learning, where the teacher acts as an inspirer, motivator, and facilitator. The learning
stages of integrating PjBL with digital-based STEM starting from the design process to presenting the results can
improve students' science process skills. The integration of PjBL with digital-based STEM must be well prepared,
starting from the use of learning strategies must be well designed and the dimensions of the assessment must be
carefully selected so that the use of multidisciplinary learning is expected to be well realized in secondary education.


Digital-based, project-based learning, STEM, science process skill

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