RESIDU DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) PADA BURUNG CEREK JAWA (Charadrius javanicus Chasen 1938) DI KAWASAN PANTAI TRISIK KULON PROGO YOGYAKARTA

Dewi Puspita Sari, Suwarno Hadisusanto, Istriyati Istriyati


Residues of DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) in coastal environment can reach into the Bird’s body through intermediary Javan Plover’s food. The residues will experience biomagnification and biotransformation in organism compartment. The purpose of this research was to determine residue of DDT in the Trisik seashore, natural food, and the Javan Plover’s body part. Research located in the area of lower Progo River and coastal Trisik. Environmental sampling methods made directly. Sampling of natural food by coring and sampling birds by mist nets. Detection of DDT residues in environment sample by gas chromatography (GC). Measurement of DDT residues in natural food and bird by spectrophotometer. Quantitative Data are obtained by measurement of environmental samples , food, and Javan Plover. Eventhough Qualitative Data are discussed in descriptive. The results showed DDT residues were detected in the water samples of the Progo River and coastal Trisik  of range 0,0407-0,0581 ppm, land sediments from the Progo River and Trisik seashore about 0,192 ppm-0,760 ppm, natural food ranging from 0.02-0.07 ppm, and finally the residue from the Javan Plover reached  0.04-1.05 ppm.


Keywords: DDT, Javan Plover (Charadrius javanicus Chasen 1938), Trisik seashore.

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