Analysis of Variety and Identification of Microscopic Algae in Rice Field Areas Manguharjo Madiun

Marheny Lukitasari, Erny Purwati, Pujiati Pujiati


This study aimed at examining the variety and the identification of microscopic algae in rice field areas in Madiun. The study employed descriptive explorative design with direct observation to the microscopic algae in rice field areas in Manguharjo, Madiun. The samples were chosen by using purposive sampling technique to three stations and were repeated four times. The variety data were calculated based on variety index formula of Shannon-Winner, which differentiates the cultivating and post-harvesting span. The identification is based on the morphological shape of algae, the cell shape, the colony formation, the movement organs, and the dominant colour. The data were analyzed descriptive quantitatively. The result of the study found sixteen genus of the microscopic algae out of three classes of cyanophyceae (two genus);  Bacillariophyceae (seven genus) ; and Chlorophyceae (seven genus). In detail, the genus found were anabaena andchroococcusfrom class of cyanophyceae. Furthermore, there were navicula, synedra, stauroneis, melosira, fragilaria, rhizosolenia, and triceratiumfrom class of bacillariophyceae. Other genus found were actinastrum, ankistrodesmus, mougeotia, ulothrix, spirogyra, pediastrum, and cosmarium from class of Chlorophyceae. The variety result of the microscopic algae showed that the type of algae in the cultivating span was H’=1,209 and in the post-harvesting span was H’=1,057.

Keywords: microscopic algae, variety and identification

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