Comparation of Studying Result of Subconcept Eubacteria Participation by Applying Problem Based Learning with Inquiry

Yunisa Dela


Studying Biologi in class X at SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin is still done by conceptual. Applying Curriculum 2013 in studying uses Scientific approaching with studying model such as PBM, Inquiry, and etc. This research aim is to descript other study result of subconcept Eubacteria part in wife by applying PBM and Inquiry model. The method used in comparation with cross variant. The population in this research was all students in MIA class X SMA KORPRI Banjarmasin. Research sample assigned for two classes, as X MIA 1 and X MIA 2 with 27 people each which was taken by Purpossive sampling. Colletion data technic uses cognitive studying result test (pretest-posttest) and observation. Research result shows that (1) Studying result  with PBM model covers cognitive studying result these is difference between pretest and posttest, affective (good), LKS result (good) and product (good). (2) Inquriry model studying result there is (good), psychomotor (good) and LKS result (good), and (3) There is difference in cognitive studying result by PBM model with Inquiry, posttest avarange  PBM model = 81.3 and Inquiry model = 78.5. Based on t-Test is got t-Count 2.131 > t Table 2.021, in other hand psychomotor studying result and LKS result there is no defference.


Keywords: studying result, PBM, inquiry, Eubacteria

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