Jumlah Sel Spermiogenesis Tikus Putih yang Diberi Tanin Daun Beluntas (Pluchea indica) sebagai Sumber Belajar

Rr. Eko Susetyarini


Antifertilitas medicinal plants as yet widely used, it is necessary antifertilitas alternative medicine, especially in men, namely beluntas (Pluchea indica). Beluntas antifertilitas can be used as drugs in early stages of pre-clinical trials (Susetyarini, 2011). This study is a continuation of the tannins that can lower sperm fertilization potential of rat (Susetyarini, 2010). Assessment beluntas leaf tannin in affecting spermatogenesis has not been done, it is necessary to study the stages of spermatogenesis, especially spermiogenesis. Spermiogenesis is the process of formation of spermatids into spermatozoa. Spermatozoa role in the fertilization process. This study aimed to determine the effect of leaf tannin cell count spermiogenesis beluntas against white male rats with various observation time. The research used the experimental treatment control group (without giving tannin), giving tannin treatment groups with as many as 0.8 ml to a white male adult rats were repeated 3 times. Observation time 49 +3 days, 49 days +16, 49 +26 days, 49 days and 49 +49 +36 days. White rats each observation time and taken off organ and testicular histology preparations made by the method of Humason Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan's test further. Results of data analysis showed that p <0.05 means that there is the effect of tannin beluntas with various time observation of spermatids and spermatozoa number of white male rats. Highest number of spermatids and spermatozoa during the observation time 49 +3 days and the lowest number of spermatids and spermatozoa at +49 49 day observation period. The results could be used as a source of learning on Animal Reproduction and Embryology course.

Keywords: spermiogenesis, beluntas leaf tannin, learning resource

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