Pengelolaan Sampah Anorganik Menjadi Ecobrick Di Dusun Margosanten, Desa Sepanjang, Kecamatan Tawamangu, Kabupaten Karanganyar

Ima Aryani, Muhammad Izzatul Ikhsan, Emilda Khoirunisa


Garbage is a big problem that is difficult to solve in a short time. Waste from community activities is produced every day in large quantities, but public awareness in waste management is still lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to increase public awareness to be able to procsee waste. Good waste management can support the creation of a clean and healthy environment. One of the waste management that can be done by the community and in collaboration with the village government is the management of inorganic waste into ecobricks. Ecobricks is a collection of inorganic waste that is put in bottles and reused as material for building blocks and can be utilized for other functions. The purpose of this community service is to provide socialization and how to manage inorganic waste into ecobricks. This community service activity was carried out with resindents of margosanten Helmlet, Sepanjang Village, Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar Regency. The benefit value of this activity is additional insight on the management of inorganic waste into ecobricks. The implementation method is carried out by socializing and demonstrating and continuing with the stages of making ecobricks until thye become products that are beneficial to the community. At the end of the activity the products produced are shoe racks, small chairs and plant pots. This activity hamlet to produce products from inorganic waste.


products from inorganic waste.

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