Pengaruh Penggunaan Campuran Limbah Air Cucian Beras Putih dan Ampas Kopi sebagai POC pada Pertumbuhan Caisim (Brassica juncea L.)

Agustina Dita Winanti, Velisita Depista, Veronika Resty Astari Putri, Hendra Michael Aquan


Indonesian people today have a high awareness of health. One of them by choosing the type of healthy food that is cultivated organically. One type of plant that is widely chosen as processed healthy food is caisim (Brassica juncea L.). In practice, the cultivation of healthy plants uses organic fertilizers. One type of organic fertilizer that is currently widely used is liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). Making LOF can use a variety of basic materials. In this study, the basic ingredients of white rice washing water and coffee grounds were used. Both types of waste are mostly generated from the household environment. However, as far as researchers observe, these two materials have never been used as LOF base materials. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of using a mixture of white rice washing water and coffee grounds on the number, width and length of caisim leaves, as well as to determine the volume of LOF usage that gave the best growth effect. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 24 experimental units consisting of 4 treatments and 6 replications. The four treatments included P1 as control, P2 treatment with a volume of 100 ml POC, P3 = 150 ml POC, and P4 = 200 ml POC. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued with Tukey-Kramer. The results showed that P4 treatment with 200 ml of POC had a significant effect on the number of leaves parameters. However, the significant effect of using POC on the parameters of caisim’s leaf width and length has not been achieved through this study.


Caisim, Liquid organic fertilizer , LOF, Rice washing water, Coffee grounds

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