Analisis Sebaran Penggunaan Lahan Desa Segorogunung, dengan Menggunakan Drone Mapping Tahun 2022

Chandra Adi Prabowo, Waridi Hendro Saputro, Aulia Syariefa Ramadhanti, Annisa Cahya Rahayuningtyas, Awalia Agustina Khoirunisa, Hasna Tsania Nurmalita, Luthviana Esthika Wati, Mahfud Miftahkhul Huda, Nia Agustina, Novianti Meuti Aningrum, Rudolf Sahat Marisi Marpaung, Safira Ayu Wardani, Sukma Wahyu Cahyani, Muhammad Husain Mustofa


Segorogunung Village is one of the villages in the Ngargoyoso sub-district which is experiencing progress due to the growing potential for agriculture and natural tourism. The large level of land use in Segorogunung Village causes a mismatch of buildings on the new land due to lack of attention to the spatial boundaries that have been determined. The purpose of this research is as a planning reference, in managing land functions rationally in order to create order and = regularity in land use. The research method used is a quantitative method with a Drone Participatory Mapping (DPM) approach supported by qualitative data through literature studies and observations using Landsat 8 satellite imagery downloaded via SAS Planet with magnification 22, orthophoto maps, National Digital Elevation Model (DEMNas) data from imagery. Sentinel 1-A radar, river geometry processed by DEM data in ArcMap, and land use data from BPS literature of Karanganyar Regency, land use map of Karanganyar Regency, map of administrative boundaries of Karanganyar Regency. Recommendations for improving the calculation of the area are carried out by the KKN team with a direct observation in Segorogunung Village. The results showed that there was a difference in the administrative area of Segorogunung Village with the data presented by the Karanganyar BPS, which was 5710.67 Ha for the calculation results and 1737.24 Ha according to the literature. The calculated data is not only centered on the administrative area per RW, but covers the entire village administration area to the outermost areas of the village including forest areas and dry fields.


Land Use, Presicion Village, Segorogunung Village

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