The Mapping of National Character in Science Concept of MI (Analysis Study on the Basic Competence of Science Subject of MI in Curriculum 2013)

Khairunnisa Khairunnisa


This research aimed to finding out the national character values involved in science concept of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah MI and how is the mapping form of it. This is library research on Curriculum 2013 focusing on the basic competence offered in science subject of Class IV who uses the same book as their teacher. Things to be analyzed in this research are national character values in science subject. This research uses qualitative approach by describing the mapping of national character in science subject of MI. data analysis techniques such as data reduction, data display, dan conclusing drawing/verification.This research discovers that national characters in science concept of class 4 of MI are: spirituality, honesty, discipline, hard work, curiosity, responsibility, achievement respect, friendship and communication, love to country, nationalistic spirit, and care towards environment. The mapping form of national character values on basic competence follows the main competence that it implements which leads to spiritual, social, knowledge, and skill main competences. National character values of basic competence that implement religious and social main competence exist in all themes, while national character values that implement knowledge and skill main competence exist in particular themes depending on the materials.


Keywords:      mapping, national character value, elementary science subject, the curriculum 2013

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