Perkembangan Moral Siswa SMP terhadap Permasalahan Lingkungan Pendulangan Intan melalui Penyelesaian Masalah

Rosyda Fitria


Someone’s competence in the moral reasoning has been affected by his/her cognitive development. When someone’s cognition developes his/her understanding on morality becomes more sophisticated. Cognitive competence can tested through problem solving. Environemental isssues of diamond mining at Pumpung Cempaka village can be adopted to be the moral dilemma issues, so that characteristics of the student’s moral development can be determined for the sake of problem solving. This research is aimed at describing (1) moral development stage of junior high school students toward the environmental issues of diamond mining through problem solving and (2) caharacteristics of moral development stage of junior high school students toward the environmental issues of diamond mining through problem solving. This research uses the qualitative approach and descriptive method. The result of this research shows that moral development stage of junior high school students toward the environmental issues of diamond mining through problem solving are in 2, 3, and 4 stages according to Kohlberg’s theory. The result of characteristics of the moral development stage of junior high school students toward the environmental issues of diamond mining through problem solving, that students of the same stage can have different competence in their problem solving. Therefore, it can be obtained a finding in the form of analysis on assumption of junior high school student’s moral toward the environmental issues through problem solving and indicators of their moral development stage based on problem solving.

Key words        :      moral, moral development, problem solving

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