Preparasi Hands Free Section dengan Teknik Replika untuk Identifikasi Stomata

Dewi Puspita Sari, Harlita Harlita


The 2013 curicullum which is contextual type give raises of media learning inovation with applicative, simple, cheap, easy, and fast for the future teacher trainee graduates. Now, paradigm if the students must work to in a laboratory for lab practice can be transform to meaningful learning in their class. Hand free section is simple histological preparation in general applied to prepare fresh tissue of plant (non permanen slide). Undestanding in learning the tissues of plants especially derivat of epidermis in XI grade matter can be realize by replica technique exercise in the class independently. The Research was aimedto sharpening skills candidates educator to make fresh tissue from stomata preparation by applaying a simple technique which can be analyze by qualitative result from the replica practice. Methods used is a technique of the replicas out simply take application by transparent nail polish and duct clear tape on the surface of bottom and upper leaves which have girth different until obtained mold anatomical stoma structures. The Research result was  shows (1) A Replica technique cappable of provide a stoma anatomy clearer than in a conventional manner through tissue leaves sample cutting by razor or blade, (2) There are differece result between product replica technique from the surface of leaved observed (rough and thin versus slippery and thick) (3) Stomata anatomical structures observed are the anomocytic, anisocytic, and paracytic type.


hand free section, replica technique, stomata, contextual

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