Pengaruh Kompetensi dan Motivasi Kerja Guru terhadap Kinerja Guru Biologi di SMA Negeri Se-Kota Palu

Amiruddin Kasim, Sinta Satria Dewi Pendit, Lilies N Tangge


The success of education is determined by the performance of teachers who are influenced by several factors, including the competence and motivation of teachers. Teacher competence and motivation is an important factor that also influence the performance of teachers, to carry out their duties and responsibilities as educators. This study aims to examine the influence of teacher competence on the performance of biology teachers in SMA Se-Palu City, Testing the influence of work motivation on the performance of biology teacher in SMA Se-Kota Palu, and Testing the influence between teacher competence and work motivation on the performance of biology teacher at SMA Se -The City of Palu. The method used is descriptive quantitative. Observation variables are teacher competence, work motivation and teacher performance. The result of the research shows that teacher competence significantly influence the performance of biology teacher of SMA sekota hammer with significant value 0,001, work motivation of biology teacher have real effect on teacher performance with significant value 0,000, and teacher competence and work motivation together have real effect to teacher performance significant value 0.000.


Teacher competence, Work motivation, Teacher performance

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