Pengembangan Petunjuk Praktikum IPA Tingkat SMP Berbasis Pemanfaatan Serasah Menjadi Pupuk Cair dengan Tehnik Fermentasi Multidecomposer pada Pokok Bahasan Pencemaran Tanah

Siti Sholihah, Imas Cintamulya


Soil contamination is one of the subjects of science lesson in junior high school level which explains the causes of soil pollution, the impacts and how to cope with the pollution. To facilitate students in understanding the material can be done by learning activities practicum. However, in some schools that are far from city, practicum activities can not be carried out optimally because of the limited tools and practicum materials. Therefore, it takes a learning henvironment. This research aims to produce practical instruction for junior high school in which contains materials utilization of tools and materials in the surrounding environment to cope with contamination of the soil, namely Petunjuk Praktikum Pencemaraan Tanah Berbasis Pemanfaatan Serasah Menjadi Pupuk Cair Dengan Tehnik Fermentasi Multidecomposerthat has the validity, practicality and effectiveness. This development research uses the method of R & D (Research and Development) with Four-D (Four D Model) development model with three stages of research: Define (definition), Design (design) and Develop (development). The validation test of practice manual produced in this research was conducted by 3 expert validators in the field of science education. The trial was conducted on 20 students of MTs Salafiyah Kerek class VII.Data collection to test the practicality of this research using observation and test techniques. Data collection effectiveness using questionnaire techniques. The results show that the developed practice manuals have met the valid, practical and effective criteria.


soil contamination, practical intruction, litter

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