Uji Validitas Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Biologi Berbasis Probing Prompting pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan MTS Kelas VII untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa
method, thus affecting the students' learning outcomes, which is currently sufficiently high score of 60% with
KKM score (70). The currently used Student Worksheet is still simple in terms of materials, drawings and
language used, so it needs the development of Student Worksheet (LKS) based on probing prompting on
environmental pollution material to improve student learning outcomes. The method used is the development
of ADDIE (Analyze, Desing, Defelopment, Implementation, Evaluation). But in this development only to the
stage of Defelopment. The purpose of this research is to know the result of validity test of Student Worksheet
with probing prompting on environmental pollution material to improve student learning result of MTs Al-
Musthofawiyah Palang. The instruments used for this study were questionnaires. The result of the validity test
from the media expert obtained an average value of 82.2%, and the average value obtained from the material
experts 81% with criteria is very valid, thus it can be concluded that from the test results of the validity of the
product development of Student Worksheet (LKS) biology-based probing prompting feasible used to improve
student learning outcomes MTs Al-Musthofawiyah Palang.
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