Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Siswa pada Konsep Substansi Genetik dengan Menggunakan Three Tier Test di Kelas XII Sekolah Menengah Atas

Fariani Madukubah, Mushawwir Taiyeb, Hartati Hartati


This research is a descriptive study that aimed to provide information of (1) percentage of students’
misconceptions, not understanding the concept, and understanding the concept (2) factors causing
misconception (3) sub-concept with the highest misconception on concept of genetic substance using three tier
test. Population in this research is all student of class XII SMAN 2 Makassar, sample of research is student of
class XII IPA 1 counted 35 people. The instrument used is three tier test which amounts to 25 items. Data were
analyzed descriptively by using the category made by Pesman and Eryilmaz to determine students’
understanding. Students were observed and interviewed to obtain data about factors that caused misconception.
The result of data analysis of three tier test showed that 29.94% experienced misconception, 42.29% do not
understand concept, and 27.77% understand concept. The highest percentage of students’ misconceptions is
found in the gene and allele sub concept by 57.15%. Factors that causing misconception are student that have
wrong reasoning due to incomplete information, lack of interest in learning certain concept, the absence of
teacher confirmation after learning process, teacher that describing concept too fast, and text book that used in
learning process contain several misinformation.


genetic substances, misconception, three tier test

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