Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Scriptuntuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Biologi

Evita Nur Khotimah, Dede Nuraida


This research is motivated by the problem of biology learning in SMP Negeri 3 Semanding such as teacher still using lecture method, consequently less interesting students follow the learning process and result in low learning result. One to overcome these problems is to use cooperative script learning.The purpose of this research is to describe student learning outcomes through coopertive script learning, teacher activity and student activity during application of cooperative script.The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with research subjects class VII-B SMP Negeri 3 Semanding Tuban. Data analysis used is quantitative and qualitative data. Instrument in this research use observation sheet, and post test problem of cycle I and cycle II is used to know masip student mastery of learning material to applying cooperative script learning.Based on the analysis of data obtained during the implementation of Cooperative script learning model, then the results of research can be described that the results of student learning during cooperative script learning progress, in cycle I with an average of 70 percentage 62.5% said classical mastery has not been achieved, cycle II obtained an average of 80.2 with the percentage of classical completeness 83.3% and can be said that the classical completeness of student learning outcomes achieved. Activity of teacher with cycle I obtained 67,5% in cycle II is obtained 86,25%, while at activity of student in cycle I obtained 63,75% and in cycle II 85%, can be said student activity and activity of teacher also experience penenance.Based on the analysis result that cooperative script learning model is effectively applied in class VII-B SMP Negeri 3 Semanding Tuban Lesson Year 20017/2018.


Cooperative script learning, learning outcomes, student activities and teacher activities

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