Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Media Gambar terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

Tika Ratna Setiyani, Hernik Pujiastutik


The success of learning can not be separated from the ability of teachers in developing learning models. Appropriate learning model is basically aimed at creating an effective learning conditions and fun so that students can achieve optimal learning outcomes and achievements. One of the learning model that can be used in biology learning especially on circulation system material in human is cooperative learning one of them is learning model of Probem Based Learning (PBL). The purpose of this research is to measure the result of biology study and analyze the influence of cooperative learning model of Problem Based Learning (PBL) technique on the circulation system material to the biology learning result of SMP Negeri 7 Tuban students in the odd semester of academic year 2016/2017. This research method using experiment method. 2 classes selected with purposive sampling engineering in class VIII H as a classified experiment and VIII D grade as class control. The subjects of this study were each of 20 students per class that were randomly simple random sampling. Data in this research is obtained through several ways of data collection, namely the dissemination of biological learning test results, as well as observations of teachers and students at the time of learning. The data that have been obtained from the test of biology learning result will be analyzed first with prerequisite test of data analysis in the form of: normality test and homogeneity test with 5% significance level or (α = 0,05). The next stage is hypothesis tested using t test with 5% significance level (α = 0,05). The result of Biology research of experiment group average is 80,4 while control group is 75,5. Based on the results, it can be concluded that learning Problem Based Learning Model (PBL) effect on Student Learning Outcomes.


Biology Learning Outcame, Circulation System in Human, Problem Based Learning

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