Analisis Validitas terhadap Pengembangan Handout Berbasis Masalah pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan Kelas VII SMP/MTS

Diana Ika Sistyarini, Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani


Development of textbook such as handout development is mostly done as support for learning. the development of handout is done with the purpose of completing the tekstbook so that student are able to understand the learning material well besides the development of handout done to add informasion. But in the development of handouts it is necessary to analyze the validity of handouts used in the lesson. This research that purpose to analyze the level of validity to the development of problem based handout on environmental pollution chapter class VII SMP/MTs through validity test. The problem based handout validity test in done by the material expert and media expert from the validation result gets the percentage value based on the aspect of the contect of 80,95%, the material presentation is 83,34%, the readability aspect is 83,34% and the aspect of the problem presentation is 81,67%. Overall validity test result obtained a percentage value 82,33% with valid criteria. based on validity test result analysis of handouts developed it has been valid for use in learning.


Analyis, problem-based handouts, validity

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