Analisis Validitas Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Mind Mapping Berbasis Powerpoint

Mita Widyawati, Supiana Sian Nurtjahyani


For an educator, the selection of instructional media should be done appropriately or relevant to other aspects of learning, efficient, and interesting. Learning media that have been applied by teachers to make students become passive, bored and less able to absorb the material taught, so that student learning outcomes become low. This study aims to determine the level of validity of media experts and material experts on mind power mapping media based on the sub-topic of the cell that has been developed students of class VII even semester academic year 2016/2017. Research method in this research is Research and Development (R & D), development model used is Luther model, where this model developed through six stages, namely (1) concept, (2) design, (3) collection of materials 4) manufacture, (5) trial, and (6) distribution. This research was conducted in SMP Islam Jenu with 25 students. Data collection techniques use a sheet of media expert validation and material experts. The result of the development research shows that the validity level of mind power mapping based on powerpoint that has been developed reaches 90% in terms of category material expert is very valid, and 91% in terms of expert of category media is very valid. With the average validity of media experts and material experts reached 90.5% it shows that the validity level of media mind mapping based on powerpoint as a learning media is very valid and ready to be utilized in actual learning activities. Based on the results of the research, the learning media mind-based mind mapping developed otherwise valid, and very good to be applied as a medium of learning


media mind mapping, powerpoint, media expert validity, material expert validity

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