Penerapan Instruksi pada Tahapan Conclusion di Model Discovery Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menemukan dan Menghubungkan Konsep

Amelia Kristiani, Yudi Rinanto, Sri Widoretno


The research aims to improve the ability to find and connect the concept of using the instructions at the
conclusion stages in discovery learning. This type of research is class action research with 2 cycles. The
procedures include planning, implementing, observation, and reflection. The subject of this research is senior
high school students consist of 7 men and 23 women. Data collection using observation, interview,
documentation, and tests to measure the score concept map of students. Data analysis used the triangulation
method. Data analysis with the reduction, withdrawal and presentation of conclusions based on the analysis of
descriptive/qualitative. The results showed score ability to find and connect the concept on pre cycle was
2,58%-7,22%, average score concept map is 5,09% with 20 students above average. Score the ability to find
and connect the concept of cycle 1 is 7,00%-62,35%, average score of concept map cycle 1 is 16,55% with 7
students above average. Score the ability to find and connect the concept of cycle 2 was 6,76%-46,76%, average
score concept map cycle 2 is 23,11% with 7 students above the average, thus the implementation of instructions
on the conclusion stage in discovery learning enhances the ability to find and connect the concepts measured
based on score concept map on cycle 1 to cycle 2.


instruction, conclusion, discovery learning, the ability to find the concept, the ability to connect the concept

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