Penerapan Instruksi pada Tahap Orientasi Pembelajaran Guided Inqury untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menemukan dan Menghubungkan Konsep
in guided inquiry learning. The design of this research was class action research which colaborated with teacher.
The research methode was applying by action, planning, observing, and reflection. The subject of research were
11 boy students and 23 girl students from Senior High School. The data collecting was done by observing
student’s activity in the class, interviewing, taking picture and tes t methode for measuring concept map score
based on expert concept map. The data was presented in concept map, notes, and studen’s answer as the
discovering and relating indicators concept.Validity test using triangulation data, which analyzing by data
reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Result of the research was score range of concept map which
were 3,09% - 27,58% in pracycle; 8,81% - 62,47% in first cycle, and 10,9% - 68,5% in second cycle. Concept
map score based on expert concept map in pracycle, first cycle, and second cycle was 16%; 29,9%; and 43,1%.
Based on the resu;t, concept map score in every cycle was improving. So we can conclude from the research
that by implementation instuction of orientation stage in guided inquiry learning was improved student’s ability
to discovering and relating concept.
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