Penanaman Mangrove Tersistem sebagai Solusi Penambahan Luas Tutupan Lahan Hutan Mangrove Baros di Pesisir Pantai Selatan Kabupaten Bantul

Irawan Waluyo Jati, Rudhi Pribadi


The position of Bantul Regency is directly opposite to Ocean Indonesia which has big wave. This condition
causes coastal communities, especially in Baros sub-village, Tirtohargo Village with NGO Relung to initiate
mangrove planting to avoid the danger of flood, abrasion, tsunami and sea breeze that can harm farmers.
Mangrove is an important natural resource in the coastal environment, and has three main functions namely
physical function, biological, and economical. Besides having three main functions, mangrove forest is very
vulnerable to damage. Various difficulties experienced by the people of Baros sub-village in an effort to
increase the area of mangrove forest cover. Appropriate methods are needed to overcome problems by planting
mangrove system. The approach of this study is the literature review from various studies before to provide
proper input of mangrove planting in an effort to increase mangrove area in Baros sub-village, Tirtohargo
village, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta.


Mangrove Planting, Baros Sub-Village, Land Cover

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