Pembangunan Sumber Benih Genetik Lokal Araucaria cunninghamii di Bondowoso, Jawa Timur

Dedi Setiadi


Araucaria cunninghamii one type of conifer is a potential local flagship scattered in the mountains of Papua. It has fast growth, straight trunk with excellent natural pruning and its diversity of wood utilization is very good for industrial raw materials of plywood, pulp, paper and wood carpentry. Efforts to increase economic value and productivity in the development of A. cunninghamii plantation can be done through intensive silviculture techniques combined with the use of superior seeds/seeds supported by plant protection. One of the classical constraints in the development of plantations today is the unavailability of plant material in the form of seeds and seeds of genetic quality in sufficient quantities. In order to support the development of productive plantations that have high economic value, the development of seed sources is an urgent need and needs to be prioritized. The selection of popular local commercial types is an appropriate alternative choice and is based on various technical and other considerations such as economic, market, cultural and social values. A. cunninghamii is a fast growing and straight-line species and has a comparative advantage to be developed widely. The genetic resource of A. cunninghamii conservation activities have been undertaken by the Center for Research and Development of Biotechnology and Tree Crop Breeding through the development of seed breeding seedling seed garden (KBSUK) in 2008 in Bondowoso, East Java. The genetic material used were five provenan from Papua natural mountain ranges namely Serui provenans (11 families), Wamena (28 families), Manokwari (12 families), Jayapura (6 families), Fak-fak (7 families) and one provenan from Queensland As many as (16 families). The purpose of this seed source development is to meet the need for quality seeds (genetically) both locally and operationally for plantations.


A. cunninghamii, plant forest, seed garden, genetic quality

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