Efforts to Increase Understanding of COVID-19 Screening in Assisted Reproductive Technology Services

Uki Retno Budihastuti, Abdurahman Laqif, Abdurahman Laqif, Eriana Melinawati, Eriana Melinawati, Teguh Prakosa, Teguh Prakosa, Hermawan Udiyanto, Hermawan Udiyanto, Heru Priyanto, Heru Priyanto, Darto ., Darto ., Affi Angelia Ratnasari, Affi Angelia Ratnasari, Asih Anggraeni, Asih Anggraeni


Background: The assisted reproductive technology (ART) program for examining infertile couples requires face-to-face with a doctor. This face-to-face examination for the ART program has a risk for the transmission of COVID-19 to all medical personnel and infertile couples who want to undergo the ART program. This study aims to understand pre- and post-test education about COVID-19 screening on ART services.

Methods: A total of 50 infertile couples in the ART program are given education online. The use of online methods using the Zoom application due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Evaluation of the level of understanding using pre and post-test providing education. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS 23 application.

Results: Analysis of the level of understanding of pre-test and post-test education using the Wilcoxon test. Pre-test results were 69.90±12.05, post-test 73.00±10.83 with significance values p<0.001. Chi-Square test analysis results obtained p<0.001 and OR = 15.68.

Conclusion: There was a significant increase in understanding of COVID-19 screening in the post-test education ART service via the Zoom application compared to pre-test education.


Assisted Reproductive Technology, Infertile Couples, COVID-19 Screening

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/placentum.v11i2.74618


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