Dinamika Demokrasi Indonesia Menjelang Konstalasi PEMILU 2024

Auliyah Patih Hardinata




The discourse of e-Voting in the Indonesian Election which is currently claimed to have many problems, among others, is related to the digital divide in Indonesia where internet access and cellular signals are not 100% well accessible to all Indonesians due to geographical control range constraints and the availability of equitable telecommunications infrastructure throughout Indonesia. Furthermore, it is related to the problem of the gap in the quality of human resources in Indonesia which has not been able to transform information technology in everyday life, and other main problems are related to population administration issues where currently the Population Identification Number (NIK) is still a lot of double status and requires a long time to validate population data and problems that are closely related to the problem of recording e-KTP which currently also still requires acceleration of the recording work system. In conclusion, apart from technical problems, the Government of Indonesia has not been able to implement e-Voting innovation in the 2024 general election, because there are no regulations and legal rules supporting the implementation of e-Voting in the 2024 general election.

Keyword : Innovation,  e-Voting, General Election. 

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Buku Teks :

Trechsel & Mendez (2005). The European Union and e-Voting. Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s. ISBN 0-203-39104-7 Master e-book ISBN.


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