Over time, Indonesia's development is advancing. Conventional techniques are now thought to be less efficient in terms of time and expense. Because of this, we require a construction innovation which specifically the development of a modular system in order to decrease the cost and duration of construction activity. The factory-fabricated materials used in the modular technique are installed using a tower crane. For the conventional approach and the modular method which uses precast concrete for wall component work, the comparison research uses lightweight brick material. This research used cost and time variables as a comparison of wall work with conventional methods and modular methods. This study used the FPSD Building project of the Indonesian University of Education (UPI) for data collection which was then processed with Microsoft Excel software. This study aimed to analyze cost and time efficiency to determine the percentage of savings in the use of precast concrete as an alternative in the future. The results of this study for light brick wall work require a fee of IDR 5,648,755,562.71 and walls using precast concrete materials at a price of IDR 6,916,150,235.52. Meanwhile, in terms of time, the fastest wall work duration was wall work using precast concrete material, which was 138 days. Whereas the longest time for wall work was using lightweight brick material with a duration of 231 days.
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