Sri Sutrisni, Syafi'i Syafi'i, Setiono Setiono


Origin Destination Matrix is a two-dimensional matrix that contains information about the amount of movements among locations (zones) within
a certain area. Origin Destination Matrix Estimation is used to determine the distribution of the trip in order to analyze the performance of the
road network in Surakarta. The study aims to determine the distribution of the movements of the traffic flow in the city of Surakarta represented
with OD Matrix 2025.OD Matrix year 2013 Estimation is obtained from process by prior matrix data, calibrated using the generation and
the pull model by regression analysis method to produce the amount of generation and attraction in 2025. The data used to calibrate the data is
socio-economic in that year. For generation, the most significant variable is the number of the population, while the amount of land area
significantly affects the traction effort. After obtaining a number of generation and attraction for 2025, subsequently estimated using a model with
constraints generation Gravity and pull (DCGR). Parameter ? = -0,15127 use values obtained from research Isnaini (2013).The study was
conducted by dividing the study area into 65 zones with zone 51 internal and 14 external zones processed using the program EMME/3 and
SPSS 17. Distribution of movement Surakarta years presented in the form of a matrix and simplified into the form of a bar graph. Total
movement that occurs is equal to 55.074.29 pcu / hour , movement between internal-external zone seen in largest graphs is 28.27%, the next
order of the internal-external movement of 25.21% and the internal-internal of 23.98%. For external-external zones were relatively small
movement that is 14.69%. The smallest movement occurs in intrazona is 7.86%..


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